Wednesday, October 12, 2005


My fingers are frozen. My neck's aching. My eyes are tired and my brain's no longer working.

That's what 5 exhaustive hours in the proverbial central library has done to me this afternoon. Needed to do research for articles for my reports and catch up on my readings - those hours of coaching/tuition are really taking up quite a bit of time! It's in times like these when i just wonder what my peers are doing - have they been studying? how much are they ahead of me? or rather, how far BEHIND am I?? sigh. having countless cummulative commitments filling up my schedule tends to make me forget what my main job is - a STUDENT.

oh yah, i just bought Corrinne May's 1st album!!

Am going for waterpolo later.. sigh.. my elbow is wrecked from one trg session.. am in physiotherapy sessions now and it's working quite a bit considering the amount of help all those icing and ultrasound systems are giving me.. so i'm basically going for training session where my coach may not be there, and where less than half the team might turn up and where I can't even do what i'm supposed to do (goalkeeping) cos of my elbow. So basically i'm just going for the sake of my OWN fitness. Who in the WORLD will care about that? aiyoh i feel like having those Fried Mars Bars at Far East Plaza now.. ....dear i bet you wanna join me right!!


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