Sunday, September 18, 2005

sick. again?!

It was darling Sulynn's birthday last night and it was quite her house! had a real futuristic look with wood and pebbles all round to greet us at the entrance, then the inside had pure pearl white marble floor complementing the white and brown walls, giving a little Bali-nese cum Japanese look. i couldn't stop saying 'wha! so nice! i like!' and Aunty Shem was smiling until couldn't see her eyes intermittently replying a shy 'thank you' every time i commented on the house. people there were the polo girls and NUS ppl..quite a small but i guess it was pretty meaningful to sulynn.

sigh. i like birthdays.. every now and then kenley was saying, 'aye what you gonna do for ur birthday?' then i was like, 'aiyoh..i dunno leh.' i feel so sian even thinking about it. it's like i've grown tired from thinking about it already. all the fun, excitement and energy in the laughing and talking that i foresee in my birthday just makes me tired to think about it anymore. 21.. it's just another birthday.. then again, it's my TWENTY FIRST! haiyoh.. i dunno lah.. how i wish kenley could help me out. reason why i can say that here is cos he hardly reads blogs lah.. heh. but anyway, he'll be busy studying.. argh.. nvm.. guess i'll just look forward to Christmas then.

anyway, back to my title, yup, i'm sick..AGAIN. it's like the 3rd time in a row after about 3-4 weeks of 'recovery'. and now's worse, i've got IFG coming up this week and my choir performance (this sat, 24th, 7.30 at Mt Carmel BP to Ginza Plaza! come come!). it's really true.. whenever we're involved in a God-sized project like the choir or musical, the devil will attack harder and as a result - i get sick.. So the devil thinks i won't be singing as well for my solo part..or swimming my best for my 4 events for IFG .. nope! i've defeated that and will again cos if 'God is for us, who can be against us?' =) that's where i take comfort in.. so can you!

it's mooncake festival tonight and i'm at aunty Lily Wee's place for dinner together with the whole gin gang of cousins.. watched liverpool sweat it out with man U and ending up with a fruitless score. heh. the mystery of the bond between guys and football. yah i'm not that much of a fan for it.. Kenley is quite a bit.. buying Newpaper everyday to read only one section..but not that hard core like got match die-die must watch kind so i'm glad .. heh. he's lost quite a bit for waterpolo too cos now he's into a new love - (have i said before?) FENCING. heh. yup. pretty new and unexpected interest but it seems like it's kinda doing him good..he's slowly loosing weight! heh. but it's bad for me cos.. you see, the starters train starting using their FINGERS to spar, so every now and then Kenley keeps poking me at the side.. then i turn and i see him in the stance ready to attack kind.. then i say, 'ooi.. what you doing?'..then, as if nothing happened he replies, ' huh? nothing lah.. just practicing..' then he gives me a wink.. haha..


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