Sunday, September 25, 2005

Evidence of Grace.

Last night was my church choir's annual september-ish performance - Evidence of Grace. It was fun.. the testimonies were really inspiring and the people there enjoyed themselves. It's a real loss for those who knew about it but didn't/couldn't make it - that's some feedback i've heard.. Although some of the soloists sang either out of tempo (rhythm of the song) and maybe even out of tune, it was forgivable cos.. c'mon, we're not professional singers, and frankly speaking, our only audience is the Lord.. so i bet if we sang with a good heart, we were awesome!

For my solo parts (yea.. i can kinda sing..sang two songs - one of which is an ad lib) i was obviously really nervous about it. I've got some expectations from some viewers out there who have heard my singing before.. so i prayed.. For the first song, i still kinda tried to make it sound nice and accepting...( try to be 'superstar' lah ah!).. so i focussed on my own strength. People said it was good, but i thought i was a either a bit too loud or too soft at some parts, and i thought got some parts i didn't hit the note. hmm, maybe i was just too hard on myself, maybe i DID hit the notes, just not hitting it nicely or smth i dunno lah.. so after that song, i got so disappointed with myself and told myself that for the next song, i would really give it ALL to God.. as in, focussing on Him when i sing.. and voila! Firstly i FELT much better (i.e. peace during and after the song), secondly i hit every note i wanted! and it was a natural! i felt so relaxed and confident about it, it was as if the song was MINE now, but the funny thing is.. i felt like a puppet, and the Puppeteer (is that how you spell it?) was Him. Every pitch and every movement felt like it was done by someone else (even though i might have imagine what i wanted to do during practice).. it was really amazing.. I had better reviews for that part. People came to me saying stuff like, ' wha, you soul singer!' and other nice stuff that i would otherwise may be judged boasting if i said it. but anyway, Praise God! that was MY evidence of His grace.. =)

ok then after that .. FOOD.. =) aiyah just finger food.. sandwiches, carrot cake, curry puff and spring roll.. (geez i actually remembered them..) and i mingled with my friends and those that i invited to come - David from JCC swim days. How nice of him to come all the way down! Then Josh and Daryl too - the two poor NS guys ..told them to pig out all they want lah. Then of course there's Kenley! (haha he no choice lah anyway..) and we took some nice pics together with my bro's pro camera.. bored lah..

heh.. yup that's about what i wanna say.. another time!


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